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Silvia Levenson believes her work is an expression of her soul. She uses glass not for its natural beauty, but for its potential as a narrative medium. Born in Argentina, Levenson has been living in Italy since 1981. She received the Rakow Commission Award from the Corning Museum of Glass in 2004 and in 2008 she was a shortlisted nominee for the Bombay Sapphire Prize. Her work has been exhibited around the world and is a part of the collections of The Corning Museum of Glass; New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fè; Fine Art Museum of Houston; Museo Rigaulleau, Argentina; and Musee Atelier de Verre de Sars Poteries, France.

During her residency at The Studio, Levenson created part of a kitchen in pink glass. Her work was based on research done at the Rakow Library focusing on glass in the kitchen and, more specifically, the way it has been used by women.

Fine Art Museum, Houston. USA.

New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fè (USA)

Corning Museum , Corning USA ( Rakow Commision)

David Owsley Museum. Ball State University, USA

Bullseye Glass Company, Portland (OR) USA

Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa, Finland

Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung , Munich, Germany.

Musée du Verre Sars Poteries, France

Glasmuseum Ebeltoft, Denmark

Ernsting Glass Collection, Coestfeld, Germany

Museo Leon Rigaulleau, Argentina

Coleccion Casas de las Americas, Cuba.

Comune di Castelvetro, Castelvetro (Modena).Italy

Fondazione Remotti, Camogli. Italy.

Fondazione Banca San Gottardo, Italy

Museo di Storia ed Arte, Sondrio, Italy

Glas Museum Fraueneau, Germany

Museo del Vetro, Altare. Italy


Identidad. American University Museum. Washington DC. US


A subject to avoid. David Richard Gallery. Santa Fé. New Mexico. US

The secret order. Bullseye Gallery. Portland(OR)USA

David Owsley Museum of Art. Ball State University. USA

Wonderland. Antonella Cattani Gallery. Bolzano. US

Identidad Desaparecida.muestra en el marco del Congreso Jurisdiccion Universal en el Siglo XXI Teatro Goya. Madrid



Not Neutral , con Mindy Weisel. Lorch-Seidel Gallery. Berlin

Life Strategies. David Richard Gallery. Santa Fè, USA

Camouflage.Luciano Colantonio. Brescia. Italy

Everything is OK. Galeria Solange Guez, Buenos Aires. Argentina

El plan era perfecto, curator E.Aro. Sansalvatore Artproject. Modena.

I feel in balance. Project room at Fondazione Durini, Milano.

Io ti perdono. Galleria Traghetto, Roma.

Piccoli Ulisse. , Sansalvatore Artproject, Modena.

You are not living alone…. Bullseye Gallery. Portland (OR) USA

The kitchen, el corazon de la casa. Galeria Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain

(with Natalia Saurin)

Happy forever, Caterina Tognon, Venezia.

Something’s wrong, with Natalia Saurin. Galleria Arthobler. Porto. Portugal.

Piccoli Ulisse, Festival della Letteratura, Mantova.

Plaza de Mayo, Galleria Traghetto. Roma.

Algo anda mal, video with Natalia Saurin , Argentine Embassy, Roma.

I see you are a bit nervous. Bullseye Gallery. Portland(OR) USA

( installazione + video con Natalia Saurin)

Toys & Games, project with Galleria Caterina Tognon , Art Miami Fair, USA

Sit down!, Olivier Houg, Lyon. Francia.

Emergencias, project room at FIAC Paris, with Galleria Caterina Tognon.

Piccolo Ulisse, Galleria Caterina Tognon, Bergamo.

Games and Fairly tales,. Bullseye Connections Gallery, Portland. USA

Bambina spinosa, Arthobler Gallery,Porto, Portugal.

Sogni d’oro. Silvy Bassanese, Biella.

Silenzio, bambini .Caterina Tognon, Venezia.

Toys (two persons exhibition) Galleria San Salvatore, Modena.

Bambina Spinosa, Centro Arte Contemporanea Cavalese.
Piccoli Tesori, Galeria Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain.
Correre ai ripari. Museo del Credito Valtellinese di Sondrio.
Correre ai ripari , Fioretto Arte Contemporanea, Padova.
Bambina Cattiva, Gemine Muse. Museo Archeologico. Padova.
Piccoli tesori . Galleria Maria Cilena.

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