Northwest Ohio Glass Interest Newsletter, Issue 331
November 27, 2020
Northwest Ohio Glass Interest Newsletter, Issue 331
Bowling Green, Ohio 11/26/2020–Welcome to the 331st edition of the Northwest Ohio Glass Interest Newsletter.
In December, 2017 we took over publishing this newsletter from Bill Hamilton who had decided to retire from the effort. Bill founded this free resource as a way to bring news about exhibitions, events, and artists to “the incredible glass community in Toledo and its surrounding communities.” We knew that we would greatly miss the weekly issues, so we decided to step forward. We contacted Bill, and a week later emailed Issue 180 to 171 recipients. Now it’s time for us to move on. Our final issue will appear on December 31, 2020.
Please, help keep this good thing going. It takes about 2 hours a week to compile, edit, and publish the news. It costs only your time. It’s a pleasure to correspond with the 231 artists, gallerists, and collectors in this extended art-loving community.
Please let us know of your interest.
Lee & Milt Hakel, Editors, [email protected]
- Gathered Gallery Completes Outdoor Sculpture – New!
- Ken Saunders Gallery Opens New Show
- Call for Entries for Juried Glass Exposition – New!
- Toledo Stained Glass Guild Sale
- Traver Gallery Showing Work by Matt Szosz – New!
- Robert M. Minkoff Collection Gifted to the Museum of Glass
- Habatat Florida Opens Eli Cecil Exhibition – New!
- Museum of Art and Design Appoints Terry Skoda
- Ohio Governor Announces Money for Arts – New!
- Galleries Reach Out With Virtual Tours and Catalogs – Continuously Updated!
Gathered Gallery Completes Outdoor Sculpture – New!
- Gathered Gallery will complete an outdoor sculpture for Sylvania Southview High School next week. The 9 foot piece was commissioned by the graduating class of 2020. Reflection Column, is made of a found block of local sandstone, mild steel, and coated Pilkington glass products, and will be permanently installed in front of the school’s entrance.
- [email protected]
Ken Saunders Gallery Opens New Show
- New Work by Thomas Scoon
- Light Imagined by Jon Kuhn
- Both shows are open until December 31, 2020
- Make reservations to visit through Tock or call 312 573-1400
- [email protected]
Call for Entries for Juried Glass Exposition – New!
- Call for Entry for a glass miniatures gallery exhibition. All pieces entered for Mini Vitro must not exceed 10 inches in any direction and be priced at $450 and less. This exhibition is open to all 2D and 3D glass disciplines as well as mixed media, as long as the piece contains at least 50% glass. This show is on display during our annual Holiday Sale as well as during the busy shopping season; therefore to encourage Christmas and holiday gift buying, pieces will be sold and taken throughout the duration of the exhibit.
- All entries must be for sale. Artists receive a 60% commission on their sold work. There is a $10 entry fee for up to 10 pieces. At least one piece is guaranteed to be accepted as long as it fits within the requirements.
- Deadline to apply is Nov. 29th!
- [email protected]
Toledo Stained Glass Guild Sale
- At the Guild’s Studio, Toledo Botanical Garden, 5403 Elmer Drive
- 28, Dec. 5, Dec. 6, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- More information at Toledo Artist Village Facebook page, or org
Traver Gallery Shows Work by Matt Szosz – New!
- A surprise exhibition, Luftschlösser, which means “air palace” or daydream
- The Inflatables series is a body of work that Matt first began more than a decade ago. This series is an investigation of how innovating within a process can expand the materials’ available formal vocabulary. While growing more technically refined, these recent works direct airflow through linear forms, recursive labyrinths reminiscent of three-dimensional line drawings. With their subtle and mutable surfaces, these sculptures reward the attentive observation with new characteristics and perspectives.
- [email protected]
Robert M. Minkoff Collection Gifted to the Museum of Glass
- Gift includes 400 pieces, making it one of the largest collections in the country.
- The Museum of Glass will celebrate this significant gift, and the endowment for its stewardship, with an installation in the Museum’s Grand Hall, A Glimpse at the Robert M. Minkoff Foundation Collection, which opened October 15, 2020. A major exhibition honoring Minkoff and his collection, with accompanying educational programming, will open in Spring 2022. It will be accompanied by a catalog highlighting the breadth of the collection.
- With the addition of these holdings, the Museum of Glass is now the largest Glass Museum in the Western US.
- [email protected]
Habatat Florida Opens Eli Cecil Exhibition – New!
- Solo Exhibition
- Open now
- [email protected]
The Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) Appoints Terry Skoda
Ohio Governor Announces Money for Art – New!
- Governor Mike DeWine recently announced the allocation of twenty million CARES Act dollars to the State of Ohio’s arts sector.
- The Arts Commission announced this. No further details.
- [email protected]
Galleries Reach Out With Virtual Tours and Catalogs – Continuously updated
- The following galleries have alerted us to their virtual tours and catalogs
- Habatat Michigan: Habatat Zoom, Saturday November 28 2020, 1 pm ET: Ingrid Rockova and David Suchoparek (IRDS). From the Czech Republic. RSVP [email protected]
- Duncan McClellan Gallery: every Friday at 4 pm ET
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- Send a message to [email protected]
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News for Future Issues Will Be Appreciated
- Send a message to [email protected]